Chimaera (1)Full unit name: Chimaera (Imperial II-class Star Destroyer)
Last updated: 13.02.2024 0:42:54
Basic info
First appearance: Thrawn Trilogy, Book 1 - Heir to the Empire
Thrawn Trilogy, Book 1 - Heir to the Empire
Model: Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
Known Facts (1)
Battle over Endor (1) »
The ISD Chimaera was an Imperial II-class Star Destroyer
Imperial-class Star Destroyer
Starship Models
of the Imperial Navy that served for over forty years and fought during the Galactic Civil War, the Yuuzhan Vong War and the Second Galactic Civil War. Early in its service, an officer by the name of Gilad Pellaeon was transferred to its command crew; he eventually became the ship's second in command. During this time, the Chimaera was upgraded to the new Imperial II standard, increasing its shielding and armament. Under command of the famous Grand Admiral Thrawn
Major Characters
, it led the Chiss admiral's fleet during his brilliant campaign against the New Republic. In the following years, it became the flagship of the Imperial Remnant under Gilad Pellaeon. The Empire lost the Chimaera following the Yuuzhan Vong War when it was severely damaged. The starship was eventually recovered by former Imperial Admiral Natasi Daala, who made it the flagship of her private fleet, the Maw Irregular Fleet.


Related units, characters and other technologies
Organizations that used this starship
Imperial Navy
Complete list

Full unit name: Chimaera (Imperial II-class Star Destroyer) Last updated: 13.02.2024 0:42:54